

Page history last edited by Tamara Berry 6 years, 6 months ago


Policy Background

Oregon is at the forefront of the credit-for-proficiency movement in K12 (Higher education has not demonstrated the same level of innovation).

  • Dec. 2002: State Board of Education approved a policy allowing district to award credit based on proficiency. 
  • 2004–2006: State Department of Education invested in seven district pilots.
  • Jan. 2007: State Board approved a more extensive policy as a part of recommendations for the Oregon Diploma: “A key feature of the future diploma will be wider use of proficiency, ensuring that all students will have the opportunity to choose to earn credit by demonstrating proficiency.”
  • April 2009: State Board adopted revisions to the Credit Options OAR 581-022-1131 defining district credit options.  Revisions were affected by information gained from district pilots. 
  • 2011: The Oregon Education Investment Board is formed to oversee an effort to build a unified system for investing in and delivering public education from birth to college and career.   
  • 2011: HB 2220 and Oregon Administrative Rule 581-022-1670 required districts to report students' proficiencies in all academic content standards to parents annually or more frequently. It requires these assessments to be made separately from a student's behavior. Districts were required to implement these requirements by July 2013. Their systems must:
    • Measure a student’s progression becoming proficient in the knowledge and skills of the student’s current grade level.
    • Clear show whether the student is making progress toward meeting or exceeding the academic content standards at the student’s current grade level.
    •  Be based on the student’s progress toward becoming proficient in a continuum of knowledge and skills.
    •  Adopt a grading system that reflect academic proficiency separate from behavior performance. The district identifies what  constitutes behavioral performance and can supplement rather than replace traditional report cards.

(Note that HB2220 asks for student progress on their grade level rather than any set of curricular progression and still may hide the fact that students have significant gaps or are 2 or more grade levels behind.)


  • 2012: Students required to demonstrate proficiency in Essential Skills in addition to required number of courses in order to graduate. In addition, grading and assessment policies have been revised to reflect proficiency-based approaches.
  • 2012: Oregon Board of Education established revised policies regarding Individual Student Assessment, Recordkeeping, Grading, and Reporting  


Evidence of Improved Achievement, Attainment, or Cost-Effectiveness 


Networks, Resources and Initiatives


Districts and Schools


Higher Education

Oregon created proficiency-based admissions system in 1993.




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