
New Hampshire

Page history last edited by Tamara Berry 6 years, 8 months ago


2017 RFI released from Department of Ed: effort to disrupt the system and unlock age/cohort-based pacing; not clear how it strengthens or complements PACE.


2015 The US Department of Ed approaves four New Hampshire school districts to proceed with the PACE pilot project, allowing locally designed assessments to replace some statewide standardized testing.See article by Julia Freeland. (March 2015).  See EdWeek article also describes this in detail.


2014 Administrative Rules Updated to be Aligned with CBE:Minimum Standards for Public School Approval  and Other administrative rules 

2014 innovation zones for accountability (Sanborn, Epping, Rochester, Southegan, Pittsfield, Monroe)


2005 Competency-based credits policy

1997 Competency-Based Transcript Pilot in 20 high schools




Policy Background 


Video from CCSSO 




Evidence of Improved Achievement: No information at this time (March 2014)

Networks and Resources


NETWORK Schools:

- Plymouth North High School, Plymouth, MA
- Plymouth South High School, Plymouth, MA
- Mt. Abraham Union Middle High School, Bristol, VT
- Nashua North High School, Nashua, NH
- Nashua South High School, Nashua, NH
- Pittsfield Middle High School, Pittsfield, NH


- Nute Middle High School, Nute, NH
- Laconia High School, Laconia, NH
- Manchester West High School, Manchester, NH
- Raymond High School, Raymond, NH
- Newfound High School, Bristol, NH
- Kearsarge High School, New London, NH
- Noble High School, North Berwick, ME


Districts and Schools 

Please note: All districts are converting to CBE in New Hampshire. The following represents some of the early innovators.

Concord School District (PACE District)

Manchester School District


Newport School District

Pittsfield Schools

Rochester School District (PACE)

  • Rochester, New Hampshire just kicked off their own personalized learning initiative with Ed Elements starting with their middle school.  June has been a busy month already with school readiness assessments completed just before the end of the year and workshops conducted to align teachers and leaders on their goals for personalized learning. (July 2016)
  • Contributions by Erica StofanakCurriculum, Instruction & Assessment Coach for the Rochester School Department

Sanborn Regional School District


Souhegan School District (PACE)



Virtual Learning Academy Charter School

Making Community Connections (MC2) Charter School

Other Schools



In the News


Collegiate Support and the Proficiency Pledge


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