
Engaging Communities in Building a Shared Vision

Page history last edited by nslocum@aurora-institute.org 9 years, 5 months ago

Engaging communities is an essential step in the conversion from a traditional, time-based system to a personalized, competency-based one. The following are resources that may be helpful to developing a community engagement strategy and communications capacity.


How Districts Are Communicating with Their Communities



Achieve developed a Communications Tool Kit (2015)

American Youth Policy Forum has developed a video that integrates the concepts of personalization into competency-based learning. It's a simple but effective video that might inspire others about how to create videos to engage your communities.


Reinventing Schools Coalition Infographic


Great Schools Partnership


Learning Accelerator's Communication Tools -- focused on blended but can be applied to CBE. Given that CBE requires developing new set of values and beliefs to replace those that drive the traditional system creating room for dialogue is very important.


Maine’s Center for Best Practices


Frameworks Institute


CW Blogs





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