
Lifelong Learning Competencies

Page history last edited by nslocum@aurora-institute.org 6 years, 1 month ago

If we are preparing students for classrooms, jobs and global contexts that do not yet exist, we must admit that we cannot possibly define everything students will need to know and be able to do in the future. As important as it is that we equip them with key knowledge, skills and competencies, it is as critical that we equip them with the mindsets, skills and habits that will enable them to continue learning and adapting to the constantly evolving dynamics of the lives they will lead.


The terminology of “lifelong learning” is broad and, as with the term transferable skills described earlier, there is a risk that inconsistent or incomplete usage of the term will dilute its power and importance. While we anticipate some local variation, we suggest that lifelong learning must include growth mindset, metacognitive skills, agency and self-regulation skills. These abilities prepare students to navigate changing landscapes. Growth mindset means they believe in their ability to grow and improve with effort. Metacognitive skills help them set and monitor goals. Agency means they have the will and motivation to take purposeful effort in pursuit of their goals, Self-regulation skills mean that they can manage interpersonal and intrapersonal dynamics including emotion, behavior and cognition. These abilities also help students realize academic outcomes; a substantial body of literature proves the correlative and causal relationships between developing these mindsets and skills and successfully mastering academic learning.

In short, transferable and lifelong learning skills are not supplemental or secondary in competency-based systems. They are integral parts of a student’s learning experience and outcomes. -- From Levers and Logic Models by Chris Sturgis and Katherine Casey.





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